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Cardiovascular Exercises without Equipment

You many have thought - yes, I would like to be healthier and start doing some cardiovascular exercise to be healthier. But then realized that most equipment for cardiovascular exercise is pretty expensive, and thought, well, I'll never be able to do that then.

But that is wrong! There is actually many different types of cardiovascular exercises without equipment needed! Most of them however are things that you do outside, so they may not work for you if you live someplace where it is cold most of the year. Or your work hours or something keep you from being able to exercise outside.

Some of the cardiovascular exercises you can do without equipment are: walking, running, bicycling, swimming and jump-roping.

Ok, in reality you do need at least a jump rope for that and a bicycle for bicycling. As well as a bicycle helmet! And for walking or running you should have some decent shoes for either one.

You could jump rope in the house too, if you have a room big enough. Also, if you have some boards or something similar you could use those for a stepping type exercise.

At any rate, it is not necessary to spend lots of money on exercise equipment - or you can wait and buy equipment when you can afford it.

Here are a couple other articles about cardiovascular exercise on this site:

Types of Cardiovascular Exercise

Easy Cardiovascular Exercises

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