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Types of Cardiovascular Exercise

There many types of cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is something that involves using the larger muscles like your legs. So as you can imagine there are many different way to do this. They can be divided up into a number of different categories. Indoors and outdoors exercise and with or without special exercise equipment.

Outside Cardiovascular Exercise
This includes running, walking, jogging, bicycling, jump-roping, swimming and some types of skiing

Indoor Cardiovascular Exercise The indoor types of cardiovascular exercise include using treadmills, stationary bicycles, stairclimbers, rowing machines, elliptical trainers and ladder climbers.

You may have noticed from the list above that for the most part the types of cardiovascular exercises you can do outside tend to be the ones that do not need any kind of special equipment. That is true for the most part. However, even when running or walking you should make sure that you wear the right kind of shoes - or you may injure your feet. Also, when bicyling you should wear a helmet. And of course, you need a jump rope to be able to go jump-roping!

For the most part though the indoor equipment is kind of expensive stuff. You may want to try some yard sales to see if you can find some of that equipment cheaper there first.

But, overall there are still many different types of cardiovascular exercise. What is best for one person may not be for another, depending upon your needs.

The following are links to some other web sites with information about different types of cardiovascular exercise.

Life Fitness : What is the Best Cardiovascular Exercise? - Cardiovascular, or aerobic, exercise is any continuous activity that and One type isn't necessarily better than the other

Cardiovascular Training Exercises - Component training is a method combining several types of cardiovascular exercises

Exercise 101: The Importance of Cardio Exercise

- There are so many different types of cardiovascular exercise, there is sure to be something that will please everyone. Have fun!

Here are a couple other articles about cardiovascular exercise on this site:
Cardiovascular Exercise Programs

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

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