Are You Seeing a Vision?
By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC
As we look at bringing your business to the next level, I ask you a very important question: do you have
a visiona Technicolor snapshot in your mind of what your ideal life looks like? If not, create one. Not
a goal; goals come later. Visions are more powerful than goals because visions have an emotional component.
When you see a picture, it evokes emotioninvolving your heart, not just your head. This is far more
powerful than only writing down an idea.
For example, if you were to say, "I want a bigger house," that is a good goal. However, that simple
statement by itself is not significantnot strong enough to get you to figure out everything you need
to do, to support you through sacrifice, to get you to take risks, to have you learn new skills to
overcome your "friends" telling you to forget about it.
If, instead, you create a compelling vision in which you see yourself standing in front of your yellow
house with a two-car garage on a sunny street lined with trees, with a rose garden in front and a lemon
tree and hammock in the back, and with a chefs kitchen and master bedroom with a view of the ocean, you
now have an idea that is not only in your head; it is in your heart, too. That is where the motivation
happens; that is where your desire lives, and that is where you will connect with your internal power -
the power that will pull you through all the challenges you have to address to create your compelling vision.
Do not let the busyness and immediate needs of your life prevent you from stopping to create what you
want your life to look like at this time next year.
Follow these steps to create your compelling vision, and watch it work for you.
1. Get clear about your compelling vision. Write it down on paper; be specific, use visual language.
2. Share it with someone else. Ask them if they can see the snapshot. If they cannot, you are being too vague.
3. Read your vision every day and continue to clarify it when new ideas come in.
4. Create a physical imagea drawing, a real photograph, or a collagethat represents your vision. Put
that vision where you will see it every day.
5. Create an action plan to realize your vision, and take even some small action every day.
6. Get the help you need. You do not have to do it alone.
Once you have your vision, ask yourself: Are you more committed to your compelling vision, or are you
more committed to your current situation? Our reality interferes with our vision because we see what
is not ideal around usand that is far more vivid than a vision of what we desire that still lies only
in our head and heart. That is why it is important to follow these steps and spend time with your
vision every day, gradually bringing it more and more into focus and finally into reality.
Caterina Rando, MA, MCC coaches women entrepreneurs and direct sellers to succeed with ease. She
is a sought after speaker, master certified coach and author of the national best-seller Learn
to Power Think. Caterina is also the Success Center Director for the Direct Selling Womens Alliance
and contributing author to the soon to be released book Build it Big- 101 Secrets of Top Direct
Selling Experts. Caterina can be reached at 800 966-3603 or by email at Visit
her website for more articles and a beautiful,
colorful downloadable daily inspiration card.