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Rita Hernandez

Rita Hernandez is a happily married do-it-all mom of two beautiful step-children. As the creator of Rita Reviews, she shares with other moms (and some dads) information about the products she uses, the food she cooks, and books she reads, along with a little of the craziness that is her daily life. She feels she has been fortunate enough to work with some amazing companies and become much more aware of the world around her.

As the Social Media Manager for ShopFanatico she shares her passion for her husband and children's Latino heritage through articles on the blog and various social media channels.

Rita enjoys doing many things and is very eclectic and free spirited which she attributes to her OCD. She is learning to cook Latino food and not really doing a great job of it as well as polishing her Spanish (it's even worst than her cooking, she says).

Reading is her passion and she encourages it in not only her children but all the children in her family (books are her gifts of choice--the kids HATE it!) Rita homeschools her children because she wants them to be free-thinkers and not dependent on a computer for information.

Rita is thrilled to be a part of Ideas for Women and looks forward to growing with all of you in the years to come.

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