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Book Authors and Publishers

I am interested in reviewing books on my site that would be of interest to women. This would include books related to women and money, careers, parenting, health, etc. An example of a book sent to me in the past that I reviewed is Barbara Stanny's Overcoming Underearning.

If you are an author or publisher and would like for me to review a book, please read the instructions below:

1) Please contact me in advance at trisha at ideasforwomen dot com to get my preferred mailing address.

2) Please put something obvious in the email subject like 'Would you like to review this book?'.

3) Please don't ask me to review a book that is outside of the guidelines listed below. If you do anyway and I bother to read it you wouldn't like what I write about it.

    - My background is in science - so please don't ask me to review any books full of anti-science nonsense. That includes anything related to health, climate change, etc.

    - I lean to the left (far to the left). I'm not going to try and hide that on this site. If I'm sent a book by or about Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, etc. I will probably make fun of it.

    - I'm not interested in fluff like cosmetics, fashion, etc.

4) If you send me a book, I will read it, write a review for the site and then most likely give it away in a contest on the site. Unless I like it so much I can't bear to part with it.

5) Even better if you can send me a hard copy - that I can mark and write notes on - and an e-copy of some sort that I can give away.

6) Examples of some books that I have either read or am planning to read:

    - Three Cups of Tea (Greg Mortenson)
    - Nickel and Dimed (Barbara Ehrenreich)
    - Positive Pushing (Jim Taylor, Ph.D.)
    - Top of the Class (Dr. Soo Kim Abboud and Jane Kim)
    - Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Amy Chua)
    - The Good Women of China (Xinran)
    - Cinderella Ate My Daughter (Peggy Orenstein)
    - The Believing Brain (Michael Shermer)

Thanks for your time!
Editor, Ideas For

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