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About this site

Hello and thanks for stopping by!

My hopes and plans for this site is to create a community where women can Inspire, Dare and Educate each other in ways that will help them to Achieve and Succeed with whatever they want in life – such as with careers, families, their health, financial situations and in making a difference in the world around them.

Together we can:

Inspire each other to become what we dream of
Dare each other to see the world and its possibilities in new and unique ways
Educate each other so we can make the best choices - and so that we can all Achieve and Succeed!

Why red and brown?

Red is a bold, strong color. Women need to become (or stay) bold and strong to inspire, dare and educate. Brown is earthy, maternal - good characteristics most women already have and that we don't want to lose in the process of achieving and succeeding.

Site Structure

This site has 5 main topic categories: 'Home and Family', 'Health and Fitness', 'Money and Finance', 'Travel and Leisure' and 'Career and Growth'. A possible 6th topic may be added in the future. Each topic has a blog and a set of related articles, and maybe someday a forum section.

'Home and Family' and 'Career and Growth' :

Most people seek a sense of meaning or purpose in their lives. Through either family or careers - or both - many women find their sense of purpose.
I would like to see a community where women can share their accumulated wisdom for becoming the best parents they can be and for creating fulfilling family lives in general. Effective strategies for balancing careers and families for women are also welcome.
I hope to eventually include blog posts and articles that inspire, dare and teach women about their career choices and challenges.

'Health and Fitness' and 'Money and Finance' :

I believe that for anyone to reach their full potential it is necessary to be as healthy as you can be, and to have some degree of financial stability, so I hope to provide some useful information about staying or becoming healthy as well as about money matters also.
Also, many women still don't get paid as much as men and sometimes face unique financial challenges like single parenting. I hope that information in this section will help women get a good start on controlling our financial futures - rather than it controlling us!

'Travel and Leisure' :

Every woman needs to have some fun! Travel is a great way to have fun as well as learn about other places and cultures!

Please visit us often and tell your friends! Let's work together to help women make their lives better!

Thanks for your time!
Editor, Ideas For

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